Challenge 2013
The challenge organized by the French Group of Chimiométrie appears under the shape of a riddle. It is a question of finding the answers of a "test" file from a file of calibration. The data of this last file can be polluted (given missing, given absurd, etc.).
The file of calibration and the file "test" are provided . The analysis of the solutions will be made during the congress. The congress participants having proposed the best solutions will be invited to present briefly their methodology during a special session CHALLENGE. The best solutions will be rewarded.
To favor the participation of the chimiométriciens young people ( less than 30 years), the scientific committee decided this year to create a specific said category "Junior". These answer in the Challenge will be studied so separately by those of the seniors.
Challenge 2013
RESULTS : Have to be send before the 16 of septembre at :