PLANNING > Invited speakers


Mathieu BOIRET
Chief of the Spectroscopies and Chemometrics department
Servier Laboratory, Orléans.
Conference title:
Hyperspectral Raman image for the pharmaceutical industry


RicardRicard BOQUE
Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Faculty of Chemistry
Department of Analytical Chemistry and Organic Chemistry

Tarragona (SPAIN)
Conference title:
"Reliability of multivariate classification results"


               Pascal FICHET
FichetResearcher in "Atomic Energy Commission".
Analytical Laboratory

Saclay (FRANCE)
Conference title: 
Limit of Quantification and
Accuracy Profile: two logical ways through many concepts


Lecturer in Applied Mathematics Laboratory.
Agrocampus Ouest,  Rennes.
Conference title:
Missing values imputation using Bayesian PCA



Chimiométrie 2013

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